12 Rad Mech-Tech.

August 1968


Sorry - we don't have all the first names, if you can help please get in touch courses@radschool.org.au


Back Row L-R:   P. Sharper, John Blenkinsop, M. Griffin, S. Lawson, M. Agostino, Dave Peacock, Jim Chadd,  Terry Houston, G. McGlincey, Kevin O'Neill, Lindsay Rice, Dave Murray, J. Cranny, Frank Jenkins.

Front Row L-R:   J. Terry, Brian Miller, Peter Fitzgerald, John Brockington, Brian Emery, Kev Stapleton, Russell Gabriel, Peter Nelms, A. Jones, Carl Pickering, J. Dorrell.


12 RMT started course on 22 May 1967 and graduated in August 1968. The course consisted of CAT1A and CAT2A trainees. CAT1As were those who went directly to Radschool from recruit training, whereas CAT2As went to Wagga first for a bridging course. It was nominated as an 'Air' course. As a general rule each consecutive course was nominated air, ground, air, ground, etc. The system didn't seem to be very technical (or democratic) regarding the allocations and usually it was the luck of the draw as to whether you ended up as a Radtech-Air or a Radtech-Ground.


Most of the course were singlies with only a few baggers. The singlies were accommodated in the three-story brick block opposite the ASCO canteen. The previous course (11 RMT) were in the same block and had quite a few Malaysian Air Force members on the course.




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