Huscarl, Battle of Hastings, 1066.




Soldiers in 1066 carried a variety of weapons for different purposes, but also had keepsakes such as dice and, most interestingly, a spoon. Every British soldier’s kit feature includes a spoon.



Mounted Knight, Siege of Jerusalem, 1244.


In the Crusades, kit included rosary beads and a wider selection of protection.



Fighting archer, Battle of Agincourt, 1415.


One British tactic that came to the fore at Agincourt was the planting of wooden stakes to defend against cavalry, hence these wooden stakes.



Yorkish man-at-arms, Battle of Bosworth, 1485.




Trained band cavalryman, Tilbury, 1588.


The advent of guns meant more distant fighting and a reduction in the amount of armour.



Private sentinel, Battle of Malplaquet, 1709.




Private soldier, Battle of Waterloo, 1815.


As campaigns grew in length, and weapons became more complex, the amount of kit grew.



Private soldier, Battle of the Somme, 1916.




Lance corporal, parachute brigade, Battle of Arnhem, 1944.




Close-support sapper, Helmand Province, 2014.


The number of items has become much higher as technological improvements allow for lighter gear.   But there’s still a spoon.