About us




The Radschool Association came about as the result of an attempt to organise a reunion of people who, at some part in their lives, spent time at the "RAAF's School of Radio" – at either Ballarat or Laverton.

For most of us, Radschool was the time where we realized that a Corporal DI was not the highest rank in the Air Force (we all thought that was the case when we were at Rookies); when we (I'm speaking only for the blokes here) wore our uniforms whenever we went into "Town" because we were absolutely certain they were dead set "chick magnets"; when we found out that you could leave the base on a week night; and it was when we found out that the Air Force was filled with some really great people.

None of us had a clue what the Air Force was really all about back then, and we probably didn't care much. We saw the occasional Canberra and Sabre and a few DC3's and of course heaps of Winjeels, but none of us ever got close to one. Tarmacs were things you just didn't go anywhere near. They were strictly "out of bounds". Our days were spent in the class room and our nights and week-ends were spent in the ASCO canteen. We were well fed, had good living quarters, money, some of us had just bought our first car, but, during that time, most of all we made very good, and in some cases, life long friends.

Most of us were young, and impressionable, and we all learned to live together and to work together and to depend on each other like a family. We borrowed all sorts of things from each other so often that sometimes we forgot who owned what, but no-one cared too much.

It was a great time in our lives, and we hope the Association will bring back a heap of those fond memories. Please get behind it, tell others about it, join the association, and one day - soon we hope - we can all get together again, perhaps on a regular basis, maybe once every 3 years or so, to renew old friendships, and tell a few lies, have a social drink, find out what each of us has done since getting out - and remember.

Stand by your beds!




Trevor Benneworth.



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