Things we did as kids - and lived!



Great big slides - the bigger the better!



Home made swings.



Merry go rounds - made to go fast until you fell off.



Jumping off swings - to see how far you could go.



Playing "Cowboys and Indians" with cap pistols.



Wearing Indian head-dress - as a game.



Home made billy-carts - riding down the street on the road.



"Shanghais" - shooting at milk bottles.



Air rifles.



In the front seat with mum - no seat belts.



Double dinking from school - no helmets. 

Parents didn't pick us up from school, we got our own way home.



We raced down the footpath - no helmets.



We rolled down hills, without caring what was hidden in the grass.



We ate what was on our plate - or we went without.



Swinging on the clothes line - when mum wasn't watching.



Piling onto the swing - as many as would fit and you hung on tight so you didn't fall off.



We played in the street. You kept an eye out for cars - when one came you just moved over.




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