Vol 59

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Sick Parade.

If you know someone who is a bit crook, 
let us know so we can give them a shout out..




Stew Bonett.


Ron Glew tells us that Stew was released from hospital on the 02nd August and allowed to go home. He is still very weak and thin and will need ongoing care and drain maintenance and nursing support will be on a regular rotation.


DVA are carrying out extensive modifications to the house for access and all needs have been, or were addressed before he got home.


Very encouraging news.     Get well mate!!




Bruce “Slim” Hurrell.


We heard from Slim, he says:  “Just thought I'd update you and the RAM with my health state. Recently lots of old buggers from my vintage, and some later models, have dropped off the perch. I lost about 5 mates in a week from cardiac or cancer so when the wife of an ex-US Marine advised me that he had died of heart failure despite having had stress tests which gave him the all clear I decided to get a going-over myself. Long story short. 1 week after a CT scan I was in Adelaide having an angiogram followed three days later by a triple bypass.


I had not been experiencing any issues but it just goes to show that you just don't know.


I urge everyone to see their GP and have the necessary tests done.


I'm still in rehab in Adelaide (21/9/17) and should be back in Mildura next week sore but not sorry.”

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